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Military Service Section

(一)Enforcement of supports for dependents of draftees
Voluntary investigation of the dependents’ needs for family support after draftees are enlisted. A lump-sum family living subsidy and bonus for major festivals (draftees in regular service will be given a lump-sum family living subsidy every four months) are offered to dependents with financial difficulty in daily life, so as to implement the government’s care for the weak and ensure draftees to serve the country and finish the service without worries.
(二)Strengthening human resources for alternative service and optimizing human resources use of alternative service
Organization of year-end care for elderly people living alone, environment cleanup, and after-school care for underprivileged students during summer and winter breaks to create new social service value for draftees serving in alternative service and care for the disadvantaged groups in real action.
(三)Treatment and condolence for injured and disabled servicemen
  1. Survivor condolence is arranged immediately for draftees killed during the service with reference to the notification of the Ministry of National Defense and Conscription Agency of Ministry of the Interior and assistance is offered in handling the aftermath.
  2. Care for the daily life of injured or disabled servicemen: Provide daily life assistance for servicemen with total or partial permanent disabilities and encourage alternative service draftees to show affection for injured or disabled servicemen.
  3. Distribution of holiday benefits for injured/disabled servicemen and living allowance for injured/disabled veteran families from the home minister and mayor as well as from personnel from the Conscription Agency.
(四)Handling substitute service (family or religious reasons) applications and conscription
Encouraging draftees to apply for alternative service through various occasions of public assemblies and over the military service administration website and organizing draftee transportation vehicle tendering to facilitate safe transportation of draftees to training camps.