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How do citizens apply for marriage registration when their household is compulsorily registered at the household registration office?

After the compulsory household registration at the household registration office, the household registration office should follow the procedures below when these citizens apply for household registration services.
  1. When these citizens apply for house registration service, the accepting household registration office should complete the “Investigation and Data Fax Sheet for Citizens Applying for Household Registration after Compulsorily Household Registration at Household Registration Office” and process the requested household registration services by the law.
  2. Send the fax sheet to the household registration office of the current address of the applicant.
  3. The household registration office of the applicant’s current address returns a fax sheet to confirm receipt of the fax sheet.
  4. The household registration office of the applicant’s current address approves the relocation of the applicant with reference to Articles 17 and 48 of the Household Registration Act and Precedent (56) Pan-Zih 60 of the Administrative Court.
  5. Applicants refusing to fill in his current address without a just reason will face a fine specified in Article 77 of the Household Registration Act.